- horror reviews - MOH 2024
Disappear Completely
IMDb Info
Release Year: 2022
Runtime: 1h 40m
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Genre Tags: Horror, Thriller
Plot Summary: After visiting a crime scene, an ambitious and insensitive tabloid crime photographer, falls victim to a mysterious illness that makes him lose, one by one, his five senses.
Poster - Title Card rating: notes: This did not land at all for me. It started off as a nice thriller (it reminded me of Nightcrawler), but our lead was ultimately uninteresting. He's a douchebag, to be sure, and definitely deserves some comeuppance, but he's a douchebag in the usual inconsiderate ways self-absorbed men are. He's boring and I didn't care about anything happening to him. Zero tension for me. It should feel like a race against the clock, but dumbass doesn't figure things out until he's lost 3 of his 5 senses. Additionally, the reasons behind the curse, and his subsequent attempts to stop it, are revealed so late in the movie that they aren't even necessary. The final scene should've been devastating, but fell completely flat for me. Ironically, had he been a worse character, I would've rooted his demise, but there's no real villain here on either side here. All that said, the cinematography and sound were great; it looks and sounds fabulous.
Outside Reviews:
Brian Tallerico
3 out of 4 stars -
Luis Javier Henaine’s film reminded me of classic works by Craven and Carpenter wherein deeply flawed men who think they know everything about the world discovered there are things well outside of their control in films like “Serpent and the Rainbow” and “In the Mouth of Madness.” Also like those films, “Disappear Completely” has the feel of a slow-motion car crash. While it’s gorgeously shot, Henaine doesn’t allow for a lot of hope. His protagonist thinks he can find a way out of his downward spiral. We know that’s unlikely to happen.