- horror reviews - MOH 2024
Enys Men
IMDb Info
Release Year: 2022
Runtime: 1h 36m
Country: UK
Language: English
Genre Tags: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Plot Summary: Set in 1973 on an uninhabited island off the Cornish coast, a wildlife volunteer's daily observations of a rare flower turn into a metaphysical journey that forces her as well as the viewer to question what is real and what is a nightmare.
Poster - Title Card rating: notes: A meditative... ghost story? Everything is oblique. Past, present and future seem to be happening at the same time. There's a woman alone on an island (Enys Men is a place) where there is a stone that's an eroded monument to collective grief. Her radio contact seems to come from the future, or from a present that never arrives. Every now and then someone shows up, but maybe they're always been there, or maybe they're a memory. She is perhaps a ghost herself. Time is folded on itself and is unchanging until it suddenly isn't. Is it a metaphor for grief? A multitude of imperceptible changes until a sudden acceptance? There are enough hypnotic images to apply to whatever philsophy paper you're writing.
Outside Reviews:
Sheila O'Malley
3.5 out of 4 stars -
“Enys Men” takes place in the borderland of transformation, where past and present (and a terrifying future) co-exist, where boundaries blur, and where “No change” is ominous because if there’s one constant in the universe, it’s that everything changes. The woman’s reading material speaks to the overall anxiety of humans’ desire to make “a world they can live in.” Maybe it’s already too late.