- horror reviews - MOH 2024

Hell Hole

IMDb Info

Release Year: 2024
Runtime: 1h 32m
Country: USA
Language: English, Serbian, French, Slovenian
Genre Tags: Horror
Plot Summary: Hell Hole hails from the filmmaking family behind Hellbender and centers on an American-led fracking crew that uncovers a living French soldier frozen in time from a Napoleonic campaign, whose body hosts a parasitic monster.

Poster - Title Card rating: notes: A little long for its slight story, and the CGI is a little dodgy, but still a lot of fun, and the practical gore is nice and sloppy. And surprisingly funny! It's more horror comedy than I thought it would be. It's the The Thing, but with a parasite, and it's always clear who the parasite is hiding in, so there's never really any tension. However, the cast is great and all the humor comes from watching them figure out what they're going to do about a body-jumping mollusk, while trapped at a fracking site in the middle of a Serbian forest.

Outside Reviews:

Brian Tallerico
2.5 out of 4 stars -

The main twist of the body possession tale here is a sort of male pregnancy narrative in that the creature is inhabiting men as a host for growth. Where’s mom? And what happens when it comes to term? The Adams Family has a lot of fun with some of their most out-there ideas, such as when the creature in a human host realizes it’s under threat and basically just flees by turning its current home into a pile of bloody goo. “Hell Hole” is a marvelously goopy movie with a whole lot of slimy red stuff and tentacles slicing through the air. It’s also a consistently funny movie, playing almost more like dark comedy than the foreboding work the family has made in the past.