- horror reviews - MOH 2024
IMDb Info
Release Year: 2024
Runtime: 1h 38m
Country: Ireland
Language: English
Genre Tags: Horror, Thriller
Plot Summary: A psychic medium attempts to uncover the truth behind her sister's murder at the site of the crime.
Poster - Title Card rating: notes: A great example of Ebert's quote: "It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it." There's nothing particularly surprising about this if you're a horror/thriller fan, but it's still some top shelf storytelling. Acting is great across the board. Cinematography is dark and ominous, without being too murky. The sound design is menacing. The overall tone is consistently unsettling, enough to sell a few twists and jump scares. A dark, ghostly tale of revenge with a pitch perfect ending.
Outside Reviews:
Sheila O'Malley
3.5 out of 4 stars -
How could all of this end without tipping into cliche? We know Darcy has been right all along. We know Ted is a little sketchy. We know the house is weird. We might know how things will play out. I won’t say more than this: the final frame is so perfect it exceeds expectations. The moment is a call-back, but it’s also a glimpse of the future. It makes me wish I had seen “Oddity” in a packed midnight show. Mc Carthy does the hardest thing of all: he sticks the landing.