- horror reviews - MOH 2020
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IMDb Info
Release Year: 2020
Runtime: 1h 53min
Country: Russia
Language: Russian, Latin
Genre Tags: Drama, Horror, Mystery
Plot Summary: The lone survivor of an enigmatic spaceship incident hasn't returned home alone - hiding inside his body is a dangerous creature.
Poster - Title Card rating: notes: What could easily be an Alien clone is elevated by thoughtful characters and themes of power and control.
Outside Reviews:
Matt Zoller Seitz
3.5 out of 4 stars -
The egg that hatched in the original Alien spawned an entire subgenre of science fiction horror, about invasive extraterrestrial creatures that treat the human body as camouflage or meat. The latest entry is Sputnik, a Russian thriller that has studied Ridley Scott's movie closely, and drawn mostly smart lessons from it. Director Egor Abramenko stages the mandatory stalking and carnage with the right mix of elegance and bloody brio (you often think you see more than you do), but not so proficiently that you forget that you've seen this kind of thing done many times before. Luckily, the performances and characterizations add heft, and the very Russian vibe of soulful heaviness sets it apart from its American cousins.